Parishes of the Lake-Geauga District:

Divine Word, Kirtland

Immaculate Conception, Madison

Immaculate Conception, Willoughby

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Wickliffe

St. Anselm, Chesterland

St. Anthony of Padua, Fairport Harbor

St. Bede the Venerable, Mentor

St. Cyprian, Perry

St. Edward, Parkman

St. Gabriel, Concord

St. Helen, Newbury

St. John Vianney, Mentor

St. Justin Martyr, Eastlake

St. Lucy, Middlefield

St. Mary of the Assumption, Mentor

St. Mary, Chardon

St. Mary, Painesville

St. Mary Magdalene, Willowick

St. Noel, Willoughby Hills

St. Patrick, Thompson

Who We Are

What is the Lake/Geauga District and the Ministry to the Divorced and Separated?

The Cleveland Diocese is organized on a District basis. The district of Lake/Geauga County is comprised of 20 parishes – 6 from the more rural/suburban county of Geauga and 14 from the more suburban county of Lake. These parishes are committed to the District structure and working together.

In 1996, the District identified the need to provide support to the separated and divorced members of their communities. Thus, a collaborative effort for the ministry to the divorced and separated began.

What does the Lake/Geauga District do for the divorced and separated?

A special board comprised of clergy and lay ecclesial ministers plans, develops and, directs an integrated ministry for the divorced and separated which incorporates limited-term support groups, workshops, evenings of reflection and reconciliation, and serves as a resource.

Who provides professional support to this ministry?

A board comprised of 10-12 District representatives with various backgrounds, including pastors, deacons, lay ecclesial ministers, and a representative from Catholic Charities, meets two times per year to plan and implement the various components of the ministry. The Board contracts with licensed professionals on an ongoing basis.

How is this ministry funded?

Following start-up monies from Catholic Charities and recognition of the value provided by this ministry, every parish in the District agreed to a funding plan which demonstrated their dedication and commitment to providing help for those divorced and separated.

2023-24 Board Members

Mrs. Allison Capella, Board Chairperson, St. Gabriel Church

 Mr. Jim Hickey, St. John Vianney Church

 Deacon John Nelson, Immaculate Conception Church, Willoughby

 Fr. Fred Pausche, St. Gabriel Church

 Mrs. Karen Jubeck,   Communications Coordinator